
This policy is aimed at our customers, including students, who are enrolled on or have taken an International Fitness Alliance approved certificate or qualification. It sets out the process you should follow when submitting appeals to us and the process we will follow when responding to enquiries and appeals. It is also for use by our staff to ensure they deal with
all appeals in a consistent manner.

Our Responsibility

Our staff is involved in the management, assessment and quality assurance of our qualifications and that the learners are aware of the contents of the policy.

In addition, we have internal appeal arrangements, which learners can access if they wish to appeal against a decision taken by IFA. If an individual wishes to appeal against a decision taken by us it must first of all go through the appeals process.

Areas Covered by the Policy

This policy covers:

· Appeals from students and/or any concerned individual in relation to an assessment decision on the basis that we did not
apply procedures consistently or those procedures were not followed properly and fairly.

· Appeals from students and/or any individual concerning the contents of IFA’s monitoring report.

· Appeals from students and/or any concerned individual relating to IFA’s decision to decline a request to make reasonable adjustments or give special considerations

· Appeals from students in relation to the application by IFA of a sanction/ action on a Center resulting from a verification visit or an investigation into malpractice or maladministration or a decision to amend a student/set of student results following a malpractice or malpractice investigation

· Appeals from any individual relating to a decision made by IFA following an investigation into a complaint.

· Appeals if you believe we have not applied our procedures consistently or those procedures were not followed properly, consistently and fairly.

Process for Raising an Appeal

We will have 20 working days from the date we noticed you of the decision you are appealing against in which to lodge an appeal against our decision - this includes assessment results; hence we advise you to retain the course evidence until we receive the result.

If you appeal on behalf of another student you must ensure that you have obtained the written permission of the student(s) concerned as results can go down as well as up as a result of an investigation.

Students should complete the Appeals form in order to submit an Appeal on behalf of a student and in doing so supply relevant supporting information such as the following where relevant:

· Student’s name,

· Title or subject of the complaint affected or nature of service affected (if appropriate),

· Full nature of the appeal,

· Contents and outcome of any investigation carried out by you relating to the issue.

Please click here if you wish to file for an appeal


This document sets out the complaints policy and procedure and is aimed at our organization, learners and all interested parties who encounter a direct or indirect service from International Fitness Alliance.

We value all the organizations delivering our qualifications and the students who undertake them and our aim every day is to exceed the expectations of our customers.

We are confident of providing a high quality service and would be extremely disappointed if this is not the case.

Therefore, it is important should you feel you have encountered a level of service that is below both yours and our expectations that you raise any concerns you may have with us immediately so that we may address them and learn lessons.


This policy covers complaints students, members of the public or other organizations may wish to make in relation to the qualifications and associated services offered by IFA

These areas are covered by our appeals policy. Should a complaint be submitted which is in fact an enquiry or an appeal we will respond to inform the relevant party that the issue is being considered, where appropriate, in accordance with the approach outlined in our appeals policy.

If you are unhappy about the way an examination or assessment was delivered and conducted and you suspect malpractice or maladministration may have occurred you should send your concern to us in accordance with the arrangements in our malpractice and maladministration policy.

Our Responsibility

IFA will take all responsible steps to ensure that our staff is involved in the management, assessment and quality assurance of our qualifications, and students are aware of the contents of this policy. If an individual is unhappy about a service or activity being delivered by IFA it must first of all go through our complaints process before bringing the matter to court.

How Should I Complain?

Here at IFA all of our customer service staff are friendly, approachable and only too happy to help you, therefore you should first try to sort out any problem at the earliest opportunity by speaking to the person who dealt with you in the first instance. Alternatively students can raise and/ or submit a compliant form, which can be found at the end of this policy.

If you feel the customer service staff have not been able to deal with your complaint satisfactorily and you wish to speak to someone else, you can ask to speak to our relevant Head of department.

However, students can make the complaint directly to our Head Department in exceptional circumstances where they feel there was a significant breach by the administration staff of our various procedures or the relationship with the assigned staff has become untenable.

If I complain what details do I have to give?

When you contact us, please give us your full name, contact details including a daytime telephone number along with:

· A full description of your complaint (including the subject matter and dates and times if known)

· Any names of the people or staff you have dealt with so far

· Copies of any papers or letters to do with the complaint

Sometimes a complainant will wish to remain anonymous. However, it is always preferable to reveal your identity and contact details to us, and if you are concerned about possible adverse consequences please inform us that you do not wish for us to divulge your identity.

While we are prepared to investigate issues which are reported to us anonymously we shall always try to confirm an allegation by means of a separate investigation before taking up the matter with those the complaint/allegation relates.

What will happen to my complain?

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days and we will advise you which member of the IFA team will be investigating your complaint.

We will be responsible for ensuring the investigation is carried out in a prompt and effective manner and in accordance with the procedures in this policy and will allocate a relevant member of our staff to lead the investigation and establish whether or not the issue relating to the complaint has occurred.

We aim to investigate the complaint within 10 working days; however, if your complaint is more complex, or involves people
who are not available at the time, we may extend this to 20 working days. We may contact you within this period to seek further information or clarification (in some instances we may recommend a meeting) and inform you of any extended
deadlines. At the end of the investigation we shall write/email to inform you of our decision.

Please click here if you wish to file for a complain


This policy is aimed at our staff and students, who are delivering/enrolled on or have taken an International Fitness Alliance approved qualification or unit. It sets out our intention to deliver a service and range of qualifications that are fair, accessible and do not include any unnecessary barriers to entry.

Our Responsibility

Our staff is involved in the delivery of our qualifications and our students are fully aware of the contents of the policy (e.g. via their induction when first embarking on International Fitness Alliance qualifications).

Review Arrangements

We will review the policy annually and revise it as and when necessary in response to customer and learner feedback, changes in our practices, actions from the regulatory authorities or external agencies or changes in legislation. If you would like to feedback any views please contact us via the details provided at the end of this policy.

Areas Covered by the Policy

International Fitness Alliance Staff - Our staff commits to incorporating specific and appropriate duties in respect of implementing the equal opportunities policy into job descriptions and work objectives of all staff. IFA will also provide equality training and guidance as appropriate to our staff.

Qualification Development – International Fitness Alliance will ensure that there are no features that could disadvantage any groups of students that share a particular characteristic or barriers to entry other than those directly related to the purpose of the units or qualifications. Where IFA has identified such a feature it will remove the disadvantage or barrier, which is unjustifiable.

Students- IFA expects its students to have equal access to training and assessment for qualifications irrespective of their sex, marital status, age, religion, colour, race, nationality or ethnic origin or disability. Assessment must similarly be undertaken without discrimination. Students are required to have in place a policy to ensure that such discrimination does not occur directly, indirectly or as a result of pressure from other bodies. This policy should apply to all satellite/associated venues and there should be arrangements in place to monitor its application and effectiveness.

Ask us about this policy at [email protected]


This policy is aimed at our customers, including students, who are delivering/registered on IFA approved qualifications or units who are involved in suspected or actual malpractice/maladministration. It is also for use by our staff to ensure they deal with all malpractice and maladministration investigations in a consistent manner.

Our Responsibility

Our staff is involved in the management, assessment and quality assurance of our qualifications, and our students, are fully aware of the contents of the policy and that our Centre has arrangements in place to prevent and investigate instances of malpractice and maladministration.

A failure to report suspected or actual malpractice/ maladministration cases, or have in place effective arrangements to prevent such cases, may lead to sanctions being imposed in IFA.

Should an investigation be undertaken into our Centre, it is our responsibility to

· Ensure that investigation is carried out by competent investigators who have no personal involvement in the incident
or interest in the outcomes.

· Ensure the investigation is carried out in an effective, prompt and thorough manner and that the investigator(s) look
beyond the immediate reported issues to assure that arrangements at our Centre are appropriate for all qualifications.

· Respond speedily and openly to all requests relating to the allegation and/or investigation.

· Cooperate and ensure that our staff cooperates fully with any investigation and/or request for information.

Examples of Maladministration

The categories listed below are examples of IFA’s staff and student maladministration.

· Persistent failure to adhere to our student registration and certification procedures.

· Persistent failure to adhere to recognition and/or qualification requirements and/or associated actions assigned.

· Late student registrations (both infrequent and persistent).

· Unreasonable delays in responding to official requests and/or communications. Official requests and/or communications must be made in writing via electronic mail or certified post office written mail.

· Inaccurate claim for certificates.

· Late student certification requests (e.g. beyond the certification end date for the

· Failure to maintain appropriate auditable records, e.g. certification claims and/or
forgery of evidence.

· Misuse of our logo and trademarks or misrepresentation of IFA’s relationship with other

· Poor administration arrangements and/or records.

Examples of Malpractice

The categories listed below are examples of IFA’s staff and student malpractice.

· Denial of access to premises, records, information to legal authorities.

· Deliberate misuse of our logo and trademarks or misrepresentation of IFA’s relationship with other organizations.

· Deliberate failure to carry out internal assessment, internal moderation or internal verification in accordance with the standard qualifications.

· The unauthorized use of inappropriate materials / equipment in assessment settings (e.g. mobile phones)

· A loss, theft of, or a breach of confidentiality in, any assessment materials.

· Insecure storage of assessment materials,

· Inappropriate circulation/distribution of assessment materials,

· Unauthorized amendment, copying or distributing of assessment materials.

· Inappropriate assistance/support to students and staff (e.g. unfairly helping them to pass a unit or qualification)

· Deliberate failure to adhere to, or to circumnavigate, the requirements of our reasonable adjustments and special considerations policy,

· Plagiarism by students/staff

· Copying from another students during assessment or any similar activities.

· Tolerating any form of cheating and collusion by learners/staff

· Personation - assuming the identity of another student or having someone assume their identity during an assessment

· Fraudulent claim for certificates and/or deliberate submission of false information to gain a qualification or unit

· Deliberate failure to adhere to our student registration and certification procedures

· Deliberate failure to maintain appropriate auditable records, e.g. certification claims and/ or forgery of evidence

· Students still working towards qualification after certification claims have been made,

· Selling certificates, assessment details for cash

· Any form of extortion and fraud

· Threatening or abusive behavior that threatens the safety of staff and students and/or is intended to put undue in influence on the outcomes of an assessment/award.

Process for Making an Allegation

Anybody who identifies or is made aware of suspected or actual cases of malpractice or maladministration at any time must immediately notify International Fitness Alliance. In doing so they should put them in writing/email and enclose appropriate supporting evidence.

All allegations must include (where possible):

· Centre’s name, address and number,

· Student’s name and registration number

· IFA’s staff details (name, job role) if they are involved in the case

· Details of the course/qualification affected or nature of the service affected

· Nature of the suspected or actual malpractice and associated dates

· Details and outcome of any initial investigation carried out by the IFA or anybody else involved in the case, including any mitigating circumstances.

Notifying Relevant Parties

In all cases we will tell the person who made the allegation who will be handling the matter, how they can contact them, what further assistance we may need from them and agree a timetable for feedback

In cases of suspected or actual malpractice or maladministration at a Centre, we will notify the head of our institution (except when the head or management is under investigation; in which case communication will be with your independent
source) that we will be investigating the matter. In the case of student malpractice, IFA will investigate the issue in liaison with our own personnel.

Investigation Timelines and Summary Process

Where possible, IFA aim to complete the investigation within 20 working days of receipt of the allegation. Please note that in some cases the investigation may take longer; for example, if a Centre visit is required. In such instances, we’ll advise all parties concerned of the likely revised timescale.

The fundamental principle of all investigations is to conduct them in a fair, reasonable and legal manner, ensuring that all relevant evidence is considered without bias.

If appropriate, we may find that the complexity of a case or a lack of cooperation from a party means that we are unable to complete an investigation. In such circumstances we will consult the relevant regulatory authority in order to determine how best to progress the matter.

In addition we will ensure all material collected as part of an investigation is kept secure.

Investigation Outcomes

If the investigation confirms that malpractice or maladministration has taken place we will consider what action to take to:

· Minimize the risk to the integrity of students/staff and our management.

· Maintain public confidence

· Discourage others from carrying out similar instances of malpractice or maladministration,

· Ensure there has been no gain from compromising our standards.

IFA Academic Dishonesty Policy & Procedures

IFA Policy Statement on Academic Dishonesty (Plagiarism and Cheating):

  • Students must not use the work of any other student(s) past or present. Furthermore, students must not give their work to other student(s) past or present.
  • Students must not seek or use the service of any professional organization in any of the course’s work.
  • Students must clearly reference, in both the text and references / bibliography all of the sources used, including all books, websites, journals etc.
  • All exams are to be completed by the student without any attempt at obtaining information from other students or sources.
  • The Tutor has the right to fail a student on their exam based on suspicion of plagiarism without the right of appeal.
  • Failure to adhere to the plagiarism and cheating guidelines will result in automatic failure of the course and the student will risk permanent suspension and invalidation of all courses and certifications.

All IFA Students agree to this policy statement upon registration for any IFA Course. This statement is part of the Terms and Conditions section of the Registration forms.

The IFA Policy Statement on Academic Dishonesty (Plagiarism and Cheating) is a summary of the policies and procedures outlined in this document. IFA’s policy and procedures for Academic Dishonesty, including Plagiarism and Cheating, include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Plagiarism: Taking and passing off as one's own ideas, writings or work of another, without citing the sources. This includes the paraphrasing of another person's work or idea. Students must state the source of information, if not their own, by the use of footnotes or by citation in the body of the text. Plagiarism also includes electronic information of all types.
  2. Penalties for plagiarism include failure to meet the standards of IFA Intellectual Property and Copyright Compliance:
    a. Students must adhere strictly to all laws and guidelines pertaining to intellectual Property and Copyrights.
    b. No IFA class or course content recordings in electronic, visual and audio format may be publicly distributed or shown to or shared with non-IFA students without the appropriate copyright permission obtained in writing from IFA. This permission may be requested via email to [email protected]
  3. Cheating on an examination in the classroom in any of the following forms;
    a. unauthorized giving or receiving of assistance or information by any means during an examination;
    b. having another person take an exam in his place, or taking an exam in another person's place;
    c. stealing or using any test, paper, answer key or materials not approved by the exam invigilator;
    d. submitting another student’s work as one’s own.
  4. Stealing examinations or course materials from a past or present student, IFA Staff member or office;
  5. Falsifying Records; or anyone to do any of the above;
  6. Assisting anyone to do any of the above,
  7. Fabrication - Fabrication is the falsification or invention of any information or citation in any IFA coursework.
  8. Buying or commissioning any coursework from another person and then submitting the work of another as one's own.

Procedure for Reporting Cheating or Plagiarism Incident

When an IFA Staff Member feels a cheating or plagiarism incident has occurred, the following procedure must be followed:

  1. IFA Staff Member will present the information, documentation, and any supporting evidence to the Course Instructor.
  2. The Course Instructor and/or appropriate IFA Staff designee will review the information and conduct a review session with the student(s) involved in the incident. The purpose of the discussion is to:
    a. Ensure the student(s) complete understanding of IFA’s definition of Academic Dishonesty, including Cheating and Plagiarism.
    b. Assess the student(s) understanding of the course content and coursework in question.
    c. Determine if the incident was a misunderstanding or intended academic dishonesty on behalf of the student(s). (Misunderstanding: The matter is closed and a summary report is provided to the Course Instructor and Management in writing (email) explaining the steps taken to clarify the matter and conclusion.)
  3. Intended Academic Dishonesty: Formal notification of Academic Dishonesty is delivered to the student in writing (email) and placed in their IFA Student Record.

Punishment for Academic Dishonesty

1st Offense: The student will receive a grade of 0 or Fail in the coursework in question and will be permitted to resit the examination or resubmit the portfolio or assignment.

2nd Offense: A second offense will result in automatic failing of course and de-registration with no refund and no pathway to receive the qualification. The student will also be prohibited from registering or taking part in any future IFA courses.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty

Facilitating academic dishonesty is helping or attempting to help another commit an act of academic dishonesty. For a student currently enrolled in the course, the procedures and penalties described above apply. When an IFA Staff Member or another student feels that a student who is not currently enrolled in a course is facilitating academic dishonesty, he or she may present the information to an IFA Instructor or any Staff Member. Supporting evidence will be reviewed to determine the level of involvement in the facilitation of academic dishonesty. IFA reserves the right to pursue any legal action available against the person and/or former student.